Bad Hair Day?

Friday, March 23 | |

Kodak CX7430, aperture at f4.60, shutter speed at 1/90 sec., exposure bias at -1.0, focal length of 102mm, no-flash, ISO 100, Sepia-tone applied

I did something mischievous yesterday while riding the bus. I took a close-up picture of the one sitting in front of me. She had a very interesting hair. I often wonder how and why people choose their hair styles.

J'ai fait quelque chose de hier malfaisant tout en montant l'autobus. J'ai pris une photo de plan rapproché de celle se reposant devant moi. Elle a eu des cheveux très intéressants. Je me demande souvent comment et pourquoi les gens choisissent leurs modèles de cheveux.


mgaputonimimi said...

cool hair.. and nice shot! in details..

Sidney said...

He, shot! Very sharp! I can see her scalp!

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