
Thursday, September 23 | |

Canon SX10IS, 1/8, f3.5, no-flash, -1EV, 268.23mm, ISO 100

Lahat ng tungkol sa isdang ito ay makapal. Balat, labi, at mga mata. Kuha ito sa loob ng Osaka Aquarium sa Japan mga ilang linggo na ang nakakaraan.

Thick lips. Thick eyes. Thick skin. I forgot the name of this fish, but its uncanny appearance has caught my attention. This was photographed inside Osaka Aquarium in Japan, several weeks ago.

Lèvres épaisses. Yeux épais. Peau épaisse. J'ai oublié le nom de ce poisson, mais son aspect surnaturel a attrapé mon attention. Ceci a été photographié à l'intérieur de l'aquarium d'Osaka au Japon, il y a plusieurs semaines.

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