Misa De Gallo

Friday, December 16 | |

Kodak CX7430 Zoom , aperture at f3.40, shutter speed at 1/4 sec., focal length of 53mm, no-flash, ISO 140, 12/16/05 at 05:08am

Translated literally from Spanish, Misa de Gallo means Rooster Mass. It was named such because it is a Catholic religious practice of going to Mass at around 4 o'clock in the morning for nine straight days, culminating on the 24th of December, which is Christmas Eve.

This morning I witnessed Misa De Gallo in the modern times. The church was bursting with people by the time I got there (I was on time, by the way) and I was led to the basement garage of the parish church, which was cleared to make room for more people like me, and where.....as you can see....we celebrated mass courtesy of an improvised videofeed.


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