Christmas Lantern

Wednesday, December 14 | |

Kodak CX7430 Zoom , aperture at f4.00, shutter speed at 1/20 sec., focal length of 67mm, no-flash, ISO 140, 12/11/05 at 09:47pm

The Philippine Christmas lantern is known locally as the "parol," a symbol of the star that guided everyone to the manger where Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago.

Almost all students are taught how to make one in school. The best-looking parol usually gets the highest grade from the teacher. The parol in this picture however, measures more than 2 meters wide and 3 meters high, so this probably took weeks to make, and with the help of many people.

Read these 7 great reasons why you should make a parol during Christmas season.


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