Fried Breast Fillets

Wednesday, February 7 | |

Kodak CX7430, aperture at f3.00, shutter speed at 1/60 sec., exposure bias at 0.0, focal length of 42mm, fill-flash, ISO 140

When one is in a hurry but still want to eat a healthy dinner, creativity becomes a must. In the photo above, I fried some chunks of chicken breast fillets and served it with steamed asparagus. Preparation and cooking times were both under 30 minutes. It was truly a delicious dinner!

Quand on est pressé mais veut toujours manger un dîner sain, la créativité devient a doit. Dans la photo ci-dessus, j'ai fait frire quelques morceaux des filets de blanc de poulet et les ai servis avec l'asperge cuite à la vapeur. Les temps de préparation et de cuisson étaient tous deux au-dessous de 30 minutes. C'était vraiment un dîner délicieux!


mslatinarenee said...

That looks delicious!

Sidney said...

Tsk,tsk... that is NOT a healthy dinner! ;-)

Fried food is not healthy, chicken skin is not healthy. You should have eaten the vegetables alone...

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